Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wow...another Saturday and Stupidity runs rampant

Ok, apparently someone has been talking to Gary and Verne because they mentioned on air something to the effect of having to watch what they say because they were being talked about.  Well yeah, you are being talked about dumbasses.

I think some of my favorite lines from today:

Gary: They’re going to go for two.

Verne: Why are they going for two?

Gary: To tie the game.

Really Verne?  Are you sure you even have an idea how this game is played.  Morons

Then there was the obligatory “George Jefferson” reference to LSU Quarterback??? Jordan Jefferson.

And I know CBS broadcasts the game in HD but can he get some fucking HD monitors in their booth so they can see what the fuck is happening on the field?  Same goes for the replay people.  Give them fucking HD monitors so they can see what we see at home.  Jeebus.

Oh and speaking of the refs.  Really, diving into the end zone is unsportsmanlike conduct?   Some one really should do something about the refs in the SEC.  Every week there is something else they do that is stupid.  It’s getting to the point that the refs are harming the credibility of the SEC.

Now, Gary and Verne were not near as bad as the next moron.  Les “The Hat” Miles officially became the second dumbest coach to walk the sidelines of a major college program today with that colossal time management fuck up.

After Quarterback??? Jordan Jefferson get’s sacked on rd and 11.  Les and his Mighty Corndogs let 16 seconds run off the game clock before the next play.  On a fourth down play, LSU quarterback??? Jordan Jefferson threw to Terrance Toliver for a 43-yard gain. That put the ball on the Ole Miss 5 with one second left.  ”The Hat” couldn’t get his field goal team on the field.  So they tried to snap the ball.  Of course time ran out before the ball was even snapped.  And Les and The Mighty Corndogs fell to the swampish earth they inhabit.   Ever since he made his debut, “The Hat” has always stirred controversy and up until this year, would go back and forth with Tommy Tubberville on which coach deserved the title “The Riverboat Gambler.”

The whole point of being a good coach is to COACH your team to not get into a situation like this.  Maybe Les spent too much time on the phone with Michigan this week checking out U-haul rates, and whether or not a Michigan “Hat” would be part of the contract.  Either way, it was a fucked up ending to a fucked up game.  Sometimes after watching these things, I wish I could get the 4 hours of my life back.

Anyway, I hate LSU.  Think the corn dog moniker is correct and frankly was happy that they got their asses handed to them in such a deflating way.  And hoping against hope that Vandy can pull a miracle show Lame Kitten they have some street cred.  ”Don’t mess with the 615  WOOT.”  That would make my weekend complete.  Oh yeah and if Auburn could lose, i’d be in hog heaven.   Too bad they have an off week.  Apparently there is a party at the Lexington Hotel in Aubrin tonight and the team is gonna show everyone what a “Beat Down” really looks like.   Apparently Nukese and the Prius are the special guests.


So this week, Gary and Verne and CBS Sports, you did not win the Idiot award this week.  You tried hard.  Gave it a valiant effort, but alas, the idiocy of Les “The Hat” Miles and The Mighty Corndogs won hands down this week.  Oh yeah and did anyone else notice the kinda creepy arsm stretched out on either side of her while he was talking “Hat Talk.”  Almost like he was looking for a hug.    He’s gonna need more than a hug from Tracy Wolfson to make this nightmare go away.  HA


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